
CapCut Logo – Its History and Company Evolution

Hi, video editors and fact-check audience! Today, I brought up a treasure for you!

If you are a video editor, then you are familiar with CapCut. It is a video editor platform that provides users with thousands of editable templates, effects, and features. This mobile editing app was launched publicly in April 2020. Do you want to know which company developed this app? Yes, the great Bytedance, which is also behind the TikTok.

The company was not sure about the Capcut Logo, so it changed it until it looked like video tape ribbons. If you are interested in knowing more about its logo history and company evolution, then stay with me. Let’s Start!

CapCut Company Evolution

As I have mentioned before, CapCut was introduced in 2020 for general audiences. It was specially tailored to reduce newbie editors’ concerns about how to edit a short film in high resolution. Firstly, it sets itself apart from traditional video editors by providing an easy-to-use interface with hundreds of features.

The great news is that CapCut has free to use text to speech software that allows users to not only dynamically overlay subtitles in as little as one click, but these are also customizable in terms of font, speeds, and other aspects that will help content to remain high quality.

This convenience of having abundant features with automatic effects and various emojis offers content creators a comfortable space to edit their videos.

In particular, TikTok and Instagram content creators tend to move to CapCut because of its easy-to-edit templates. In addition, the content that was prepared by this video editor caught everyone’s eye because of its high-definition quality.

An effect takes time to prepare in a general video editor platform; on the other hand, users need to click on an effect to apply it to their video clips in CapCut. However, this video editor app is simple to use yet powerful enough to deliver a quality video at export time.

CapCut Logo History

You should know that developing a video editor that can be accessed without any money is not a go-to plan. It was part of the plan, and its role was to support the main platform, TikTok. When the time came to decide on the emblem, they initially chose the video track Cross Bonds. Let’s dive deep into CapCut Logo history to learn more about it!

CapCut Logo in 2020

When it was launched publicly, the company chose its name as Viamaker. Do you know why they chose this name? The name showcased the auxiliary nature of the platform. That’s why they decided to choose this name from suggestions. Further, you may feel confronted that incomplete letters of VIAMAKER are both A that don’t have crosses. This absence indicates incomplete work or tasks or drafts.

By emphasizing simplicity, it represents the simple process of shooting, editing, and posting content. If you look down on the first CapCut Logo, you will see two special scissors like a crown on King’s head. This platform was as potent as it is now. It offered automatic effects, various emojis, and ready-to-go templates to create content in just a matter of moments.

You will get to know why scissors look like a crown on the top of the emblem. Users need to cut video shots generally and also have to combine two or more video reels to make content appealing. In order to do so, they will need a scissor tool and guess what CapCut provided them with. Here are elements that make the Viamaker’s emblem.

  • An inverted camera (represents shooting)
  • Videotape rings (represents editing)
  • Hourglass (represents posting)
CapCut Logo in 2020

CapCut Logo in 2021 – 2022

Suddenly, the company felt that the CapCut Logo was not aligning with what they were doing. That’s why they decided to change the logo and the name of VIAMAKER to CapCut. You will see the emblem right before the name on this logo. Now, the trimming scissors showcase a complete project that is ready to be published on social media platforms.

Now, scissors have become the tails and indicate a surfer who is leaving his footprints on the way. By effectively providing editing features and functions, CapCut became the favourite editor app for content creators. The combination of six English alphabets, which makes two names at the same time, indicates the trimming and finished edits. Moreover, this platform is doing the same.

The new name and logo also represent the final touches to a video – perfection on the level. CapCut provides content creators with easy-to-edit video templates that look brief but perfectly appealing to the eyes. In addition, content creators just have to change their visual media with the template media, and here they go. Their edited video is at the right pace, and they have great editing skills.

CapCut Logo in 2021 - 2022

CapCut Logo in 2022 – Today

The only deficiency in the CapCut Logo was that it was lower than the emblem and not much bolder. However, it took half of the screen and sometimes did not feel right. So, the company decided to change the emblem. In 2022, the company changed the logo to make it bold and aligned with the emblem.

Now, the space issue is solved, and everything is in its place, which makes its recent logo the perfect one. On the other hand, the emblem and the name are aligned with each other and can’t be surpassed and showcase perfection in tasks.

CapCut Logo in 2022 - Today

The Closing Note

CapCut is a video editor mobile app which is developed by the tech giant Bytedance in 2020. The company was unsure about the emblem of its editing project. However, they initially started with the VIAMAKER and then they changed it to CapCut.

For the second time, they changed the CapCut logo by making it bold and aligning with the emblem of video ribbon cross bonds. If you are interested in knowing more about its logo history and evolution story then read the above section.


Q1- How to remove the CapCut Logo?

You can remove the CapCut Logo from your video by cutting off the last clip of the draft or exporting the video without a watermark.

Q2- Is CapCut copyright free?

The answer to this question is yes. The CapCut content including templates, is copyright free.

Q3- Can CapCut do animation?

Yes, this video editor platform is capable of doing animation.

Q4- Is CapCut public or private?

Technically, this platform is not public because your videos are posted here.

Q5- Can a business use CapCut templates?

Of course, A business can use CapCut templates to market its products and services.

Fawad Malik

Fawad Malik is a technology enthusiast who has a deep passion for blogging. As the founder of, he constantly writes about advanced technology, seeking ways to empower individuals, brands, and businesses to prevail and succeed in today's highly competitive landscape. Fawad takes pleasure in sharing the latest tech news, trends, and updates with the passionate community connected with his blog.

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